Monday, July 23, 2007

Are Blogs Narcissistic?

narcissism [(nahr-suh-siz-uhm)] noun

"A consuming self-absorption or self-love; a type of egotism. Narcissists constantly assess their appearance, desires, feelings, and abilities."

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from website:

According to that definition, yes, most blogs are all about self.

We hope to steer in a different direction. Our aim is twofold: 1) to keep family and friends current on what's happening in our lives and ministry and, 2) to encourage others and "stir one another up to love and good works" (Hebrews 10:24) .

Hopefully there will be some "meat" and weightiness amongst the fun and trivial!


Courtney Reissig said...

I'm glad you posted this. It's an important exhortation to follow.

Unknown said...

Ok, I first discovered your blog when I was researching Afghani Pizza, which we obviously share a love of. But then when I started reading it, I was blessed to find out you all are Christians, and go to BBC as well?!?! Truly, it is a small world. Keep up the good work/blogging, and may the Lord bless you in it. If you are ever interested in reading from the perspective of a single 30-something Christian in the cities, please check out my blog at God bless!