Wednesday, March 12, 2008

REBELution Tour Promo Video

This is the conference for teens (and their families) that we've been talking about. Check it out!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Rebelution!

What is “The REBELution”? It is a teenage rebellion against low expectations — a growing movement of young people committed to doing hard things for the glory of God. Whitney is one of 8 teenage captains that will put these principles into practice as they facilitate bringing the REBELution’s “DO HARD THINGS” conference to Minneapolis on June 21st.

Whitney’s blog:

Foreign Missions in Minneapolis? A Post from Jim

In these days, many are being awakened to missions. Pray that God would continue to raise up those who will go, especially to the unreached peoples, and that Christ’s name would be exalted and worshipped all around the world.

We are becoming increasingly aware of a unique “missions” opportunity that exists right here where we live. South Minneapolis neighborhoods are among the most ethnically diverse in the country. This means that the nations are coming to us!

Will you pray with us that God would pour out his Spirit and open eyes to see the surpassing greatness of Jesus Christ? Pray that God would give us inroads and opportunities to build relationships that reach across ethnic and cultural lines. Pray that these relationships would be grounded in love, and that the most loving thing in the world would happen; that the gospel of Jesus Christ would be shared and rejoiced in.

Oh, that God would draw the nations to himself right here in South Minneapolis! We long to see a preview of the day when all nations and tribes and tongues will be gathered before the throne of God, worshipping the Savior.

Our Cutie Peels Her Own "Cutie"

Around here "cuties" are yummy tangerines. (The stickers say "cutie.") Today Piper spontaneously grabbed one out of the bowl on the dining room table and began to peel. We were amazed at her tenacity. When she finished she sat down to enjoy the fruit of her labor:)


Now I know what they do in their spare time.