Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thoughts on Support Raising...

This is a topic that makes most missionaries cringe. Support Raising. Ugh.

When we were first considering the idea of full-time ministry we had many long discussions about it. We prayed long and hard. Jim felt such a burden to spend his time not just earning a paycheck (which is a good thing,) but pouring himself out for things that matter for eternity. Feeling reasonably sure that God was calling us to serve in the city we began to rearrange our lives. We knew entering into full-time ministry would mean a huge cut in pay and moving our family to the city. That was the easy part.

One day, in passing, Jim said, "By the way, we'll need to raise at least a portion of our support." (My reaction? "Then obviously God is NOT calling us! I loathe that idea!)

This is how I came from that response to where I am now: willing yet reticent.

For years we delighted to give to (several) ministries each month. Many of them were instrumental in our spiritual growth. It is so pleasant to be a giver!

Now we find ourselves on the other side of the coin. We must seek support from others in order to forge ahead in the work we believe God has called us to do. It's not as pleasant, in fact it's quite humbling. Not simply because it's hard to ask people for money (it is!) but because we cannot do it ourselves --we MUST depend on others. Our self-reliant pride needs to die. We are learning to trust that God is already raising up others who delight to give.

Another humbling aspect is knowing that we, in and of ourselves, are not adequate for the task. (We sense this every day!) The last part of John 15: 5 says, "for apart from me you can do nothing." Translation: unless it is God doing the work in and through us we cannot do anything of real value. Oh, how we pray that He will accomplish good through our lives, despite us.

Our pastor reminds us that there are "goers" and "senders." Those that hang over the cliff and those who hold the ropes. Both are necessary for the Gospel to go forth. We love hanging over the cliff in Minneapolis! We are incredibly grateful to those of you who hold the ropes.

1 comment:

Courtney Reissig said...

Thank you for your humility and for your willingness to be a "goer"!